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Free webinar:
How to build your own online course

If you would like to help others and at the same time achieve a passive income - online courses could be the answer for you.


During this free webinar you'll learn how to build your course, how to film it (easily), and set it up to sell passively aka making money 24/7.

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Would you wish that you didn't have to exchange time for money, and that you didn't have to work for every dime?

Or maybe you simply dream of helping more people than you have time for in 1:1 conversations?

Or that you can see the sales ticking in from your sun lounger?

Or do you really just dream of dropping customer work and having more free time?

Imagine if you could achieve all of this and there was no cap on your income.

During this free webinar, you'll learn:

How you easily can build your course

How you can find a profitable course topic

My best tips to filming your online course + save a lot of time

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How you can set up your course to selling passively

"Already at first glance at the course, I could just see that it became MUCH easier for me to start creating my course.

I live in the south of France and I plan to stay at the beach A LOT more while earning money via passive income. Thanks to you!"

- Cathrine

With an online course, you could also see results like this:


Hello, I'm Camilla!

I built my own freelance business with Social Media Management because I had enough of the career race and wanted more freedom in my life.


It wasn't long before people were asking how I had done. So at the beginning of 2021 I launched my first online course. My life was never the same.

With an online course came thousands of dollars in passive income. I saw the money ticking in at all hours of the day, no matter what I was doing - and at the same time I was helping to change other people's lives! Huge win win!

That's why I've now created several courses and one course on building online courses, so that others can also help others, while also getting passive income. Again, huge win win win.!

If you dream of passive income, more freedom, helping others and taking your business to new heights, then an online course is the clear answer.

Are you just SO ready to build an online course?

Skip the online lecture and jump right into Online Course Academy so you can start building passive income NOW:

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